COVID-19 have affected many people and their career because of economic downturn. Though opportunities are limited and times are stressful, it doesn’t mean that you are in for a complete loss. There are some ways that can help you navigate during these unprecedented times.
- Do your research and get familiar with Linkedin. Yes, Linkedin. Get on it. Use this time to create a solid profile for yourself and start connecting with people that are doing the work that you wish to do one day. Send them a message and start networking. Some might not reply, but many people usually do, so what’s the harm? Take this time and reach out to people and share your potential career goals with them even if they can’t find you a job they might share some information or advice that might be useful!
- Stay motivated and inspired. What I mean by that is that during this time many people are feeling overwhelmed and anxious about the future. Now is the time for you to test your resilience and stay committed to your goals. Keep learning and growing. There are many great resources that are free online that you can use to enhance skills that are in demand like editing and social media marketing. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, Alison, or LinkedIn Learning offer some great courses that are free or low cost. Whatever you’re interested in, try to advance your skill set in those diversions.
- Try something new and see how you like it. It’s all about experiments. I think often we see failing at something as negative, so we don’t even try. That’s the wrong way to think, always try to never have a fear of failing. We don’t learn without failing a couple of times. If you are thinking about a career change or you want to do something more than your regular 9-5 job (nothing wrong with a 9-5 job), then consider starting some side hustle.
- Don’t underestimate the power of the virtual. Breaking news, remote working style is the reality of today and it’s here to stay so get used to it. I know many people are tired of working from home and hate Zoom and all that comes with working from home but this is the new normal and FOMO is a real thing that’s why attending virtual meetings and webinars is a great way to meet new people. Attending online career events can help grow your skill set and meet professionals from some amazing organizations and give you an opportunity to learn about industry trends.
- Take care of yourself. Easier said than done, but we are in a middle of a pandemic, so be good to yourself. Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do right now and trust that your initiative will serve you well. Things won’t change overnight, it’s all part of the process, so try not to panic. A great step towards self-development is paying attention to the kind of content you are consuming. Spend more time on things that will help you learn specific skills and leadership skills that will set you up for larger opportunities in the future.
Hope these tips help and motivate you to get more creative with your career planning. Remember, it’s not a race and you should try to focus on what makes you happy. A career should drive you in the right direction instead of draining you and making you stressed.