
I am so glad that you’re here. Let’s jump right into it and help you shine!

I will share with you my top 7 pieces of advice that will inspire you creatively and help you level up your confidence so no matter what you wear, you feel your very best in it so let’s get started.

  • 1. Look to your own closet – look at the items you already own and see how you feel about it. What kind of colors, patterns or styles make you happy and notice the commonality between those items.

2. Try out something different – if there is a certain type of fashion trend or a particular style that catches your attention, start incorporating that in your wardrobe. Start with a piece or two to see how you feel about it.

3. Find fashion inspiration – take screenshots of pictures of fashion influencers whose style interests you and see what outfits resonate with you.

4. Trust the staples – no matter what your taste in fashion is, having staple items is always a great idea for example a white t-shirt, blue denim jeans that fit really well, a black blazer, white sneaker, a black dress, etc. These items will allow you to create some great outfits around these basics.

5. Accessories are major – if you feel like your outfits are boring, try to add some jewelry, a printed scarf, a hat, or a nice bag. Remember, style is not just clothes, it’s what you put together as a whole.

6. Dress for the body you have – just because something is looking great on someone else, doesn’t always mean it will look the same on you. Wear what makes you comfortable because when you feel comfortable it helps you feel more confident.

7. Have fun with your style – fashion is all about experimenting, if one thing doesn’t work, there are million other things to try. Don’t get discouraged and understand this is a journey on its own. You don’t have to follow the crowd, you can create something on your own which you love. Passion rhymes with fashion for a reason, honey!

Well, there you go, I hope these tips motivate you to have fun with your style and help you realize that fashion shouldn’t have to be intimidating. I wish you all the success and happiness in your fashion journey. Have fun!

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Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Here I will share everything and anything that I feel like discussing, especially about fashion, lifestyle related stuff, personal advice and stories, my favorite tv shows, music, and etcetera. I will try to be your virtual best friend who you can turn to.
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