Let this year makes you feel free, inspire you to create more, teach you to be kinder to yourself, and allow you to grow at your own pace. Happy New Year, you amazing person.

I know 2020 was a tough year, and many people lost their loved ones or dealt with a lot of new emotions, or just simply didn’t feel good by the news that we all heard one after another. But on the side, I know many people like the idea of working from home and spending time with family or even learned something new or try a hand at a creative project to create something wonderful. Each year brings us new challenges and new avenues that take time for us to adapt to.

So this year I really want you to focus on three very important things. Your mind, your body, and your soul. Let this be the year where you focus on yourself for your betterment because when you improve yourself, things and relationships around you get better and circumstances change for good as well.

Start with the mind, the mechanism that holds the most power for our actions, and the way we perceive things. Start with the mind, do things that help your mind ease, whether it’s watching shows you like, painting, reading, praying or meditating, exercising, talking to your friends, writing, gardening, making or listening to music, dancing, spending time alone to reenergize after a hectic day, whatever helps you to put your mind at rest, do more of that. Your mind works constantly, it is always thinking about something, sometimes about the past, more often about the future. It’s all very stressful. So give it some rest, give yourself a time out this year. You need to make this a practice, only then you will notice how much difference it’s going to take.

Then comes the body. Oh, our lovely that does so much for us, it heals itself when we get a paper cut or bruise or our hair that grows when we decide to cut it super short sometimes and then regret later. Whatever happens to our body or whatever we do to change it, our body constantly looks after us, so it is our duty to treat it with love and respect. I see so many people who don’t appreciate themselves just because their body doesn’t look like someone they see on social media or on television, which is so wrong. What we see online isn’t always true. We must learn that we are all energy and we have our own features and beauty that belongs to us. It is sacred to us. Why must we compete? Why must we look down on our amazing self? Why must we be jealous of others? Why must we compare ourselves to someone who is not us? We shouldn’t. This year please be kind to your body, embrace what it offers. Be healthy, eat healthy, exercise, but be patient with it. Don’t force it to change drastically. Instead of working against it, you must cherish it.

Last but not the least, the soul. What is soul? A soul is the part of you that makes you who you are, it’s the way you feel, it’s your spirit, the words you say, the thoughts you think, the actions you take, it’s your nobility, your loyalty to yourself and your friends and family, it’s your character, your personality, your movement, your courage, your heart. Soul is the very essence of a human being. With time and as we juggle between one thing to another in our daily life, our soul, just like our cities, becomes polluted. So it is very important to cleanse your soul to get rid of poisonous elements.

Here are 4 ways that can help cleanse your soul this new year.

  1. Take time for yourself. A quiet time out away from people and phone or anything that might distract you. During that alone time, you can do anything for yourself, you can think, you can pray, you can cry, you can write, you can sing, you can sit quietly and close your eyes and just be still, you can go for a walk, you can do anything as long as it helps you tune in with yourself and help you reconnect with what you are feeling on the inside.
  2. Make a list of anything that is bothering you and then burn it and then throw it in the trash. I know it sounds silly, but do it. Try it, you feel so much better.
  3. Embrace change. Understand that you cannot control certain things from happening, and maybe that’s why life is what it is. Things are never certain and never will be so be okay with things not being okay sometimes. Welcome change in your life, see what it is trying to teach you, understand why things are happening the way they are. Change is transformational and accepting it is critical to living a happy and fulfilled life.
  4. Be authentic with yourself. Don’t lie to yourself. If things are not okay, don’t lie and tell yourself that they are. Make an honest relationship with yourself that is open and real. Honor yourself and the decisions you make for yourself and your wellbeing. Become your number one person. Be your own friend to be transparent yourself.

With that, I hope that whatever this new year brings in our direction; we keep our head held high and look up to face the light. We must never lose faith in a life that is predestined to survive. Have a blissful year filled with love, happiness, and hope.

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Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Here I will share everything and anything that I feel like discussing, especially about fashion, lifestyle related stuff, personal advice and stories, my favorite tv shows, music, and etcetera. I will try to be your virtual best friend who you can turn to.
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