Don’t worry if 2021 didn’t kick start like the way you expected. This is just the beginning and we have a lot to do. Before I get started, I want you to know that if you are feeling anxious, worried, unmotivated, sad, overall not in the mood, or confused about where you are in your current stage of life, please know that you are not alone. Last year was a tough one for many people, so it’s okay whatever you are feeling right now. If things didn’t work out last year, then they will this year. Okay, now that we got that out of the way, here are some tips that will help you achieve your goals and find happiness.

I have divided this into two categories, one is personal, and the second is career-related. Personal life advice focuses on your happiness, and career advice is to help you achieve your goals.


Do more things that make you happy

– Yes, it is that simple. You will notice that most of the things I will tell you are things that most of you already aware of. You know this already, but how many are actually doing it. I want you to do more things that make you feel happy. Whether it’s singing, drawing, dancing, talking to a friend, knitting, gardening, exercising. Whatever makes you happy, do those things often. Make time for yourself to indulge in things that bring you joy.

Don’t dwell in self-pity

– Stop victimizing yourself. Sometimes feeling sorry for ourselves seems like an easier option. Telling ourselves we don’t deserve things or we are not good enough. This needs to stop. Stop expecting things from people and start taking care of your needs and the things you want. Not everyone is going to reciprocate the same feeling you show them, so don’t expect and don’t be hard on yourself.

Forgive yourself and others

– I can’t stress this one enough. Just let it go. Of course, if someone abused you or you have gone through a traumatic experience, then I know forgiving is hard. But if it’s little things, small grudges, jealousy, or petty arguments with someone, then forgive those people and let that go. It’s for your own good. You will so much lighter once you remove that from your life.

Love yourself the way you would love someone when you’re in a relationship

– Imagine if someone you love is not happy, you would do everything in your power to help them get out of that situation, then why don’t we do the same for ourselves? Why don’t you love yourself like that? Start loving yourself. Spend time with yourself. Put away your devices and just sit down quietly and self reflect. Look how much things have changed, what needs to change, what you need to do to make those changes. It might be weird at first, but you need to take time for yourself and just be. Write your feeling, write the things you want to do. Whatever helps you to put your thoughts in order, do that and treat yourself like you are your best friend.

Get rid of toxic people in your life

– If people that you surround yourself with are not helping you grow, making you a better person, or supporting you, then you need to get rid of those people. It might sound harsh, but it is important for you to know that you become a reflection of the people you surround yourself with. It’s better to be alone rather than being in the wrong company that’s not helping you to upgrade in your life.


Do it now

  • – If you made a promise to yourself that you will do something this year. For example, if you promised yourself that you will start exercising or you will cut down your junk food intake, or you’ll start a book or a business. Whatever it is you promised yourself that you will do this year, start today. Don’t wait for a specific date unless it’s set by external forces, and you can’t do anything before that. However, if your goals are personal, then start today. Don’t procrastinate.

Develop small micro habits

  • – Start with developing small micro habits daily and get in the zone. For example, if you want to learn how to play the piano, take 10 minutes to practice every day. It doesn’t have to be extensive actions that will tire you, start with just 5-10 minutes, but make it daily.

Watch, listen, read

  • – You are what you consume so watch, listen, and read about people that inspire you. Watch motivational videos, listen to podcasts or a book, or read a book if you are a reader. Consume good content that will help you and guide you towards what you want to achieve.

Stick with a plan

  • – Don’t lose sight of your goals. Once you start a project or an assignment, finish it. Stay committed with your tasks and set it as a priority. Don’t get distracted by other people and what they are doing. Focus of your plan and move foward with it.

Have discipline

  • – I know I sound like a principle, but you need to have a routine and it may sound boring, but you have to plan your days and make the most of your time. I am not saying that you should work from dusk to dawn but be ready to put in the hours. All the influential people accomplished great things in life because they worked hard, they put in those hours and they kept going. Be okay with failure it’s part of the process, believe in yourself and your ideas, and keep bettering yourself.

Wow, that was a lot, but I really hope you found some of these tips helpful. 2020 is gone but 2021 just got started so do your best to make the most out of this year. I hope this year turns out amazing for you all!

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Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Here I will share everything and anything that I feel like discussing, especially about fashion, lifestyle related stuff, personal advice and stories, my favorite tv shows, music, and etcetera. I will try to be your virtual best friend who you can turn to.
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