Winter is here, and it might seem festive and cozy right now, I know many people out there are having a hard time dealing with winter sadness and overwhelming emotions leading up to the new year.

So let’s talk about some helpful ways to beat seasonal depression and fend winter blues. This is a time to make memories, happy ones, ones that make us smile, even if we are alone. Even if we can’t see our friends and family because of the lockdown in most places because of coronavirus. Let’s try to make the most of what we have and what we can control. We can only try our best. It will be different this year’ cause most of us are at home, but let’s try our best to make it as normal as we can.

So here are some tips that might help.

  1. Let the light in. Lack of light in the house can add to the cause of winter blues. Since the days are shorter and nights are long, it feels like there is a short amount of time in the day to get things done, so make light your friend during winter. Light up candles around the house, add some fairy lights, or buy light therapy lamps to help lift your mood. Add colors in your home to add a fresh feel to your life.
  2. Do exercise. Moving your body help release a hormone called Endorphins, which helps to relieve stress and pain and help lift the mood. You don’t have to go outside if it’s too cold. You can do at-home workouts or walk around the house or use the stairs if you live in an apartment. Try to get at least 15-30 mins of exercise every day. Even a little bit of effort counts. Just do your best to boost your energy levels and improve your state of mind.
  3. Watch what you’re eating. I don’t know about you, but I love eating starch and sugary things in winter, I can’t help it. But too much of it can be a problem. So it is very important to have a balanced diet to ensure that you feel replenished. Have your veggies and fruits and don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water.
  4. Mix it up. Try to add new activities to your daily routine to keep things interesting rather than sticking with a strict routine. Get outside when the weather is nice, call a friend, cook something new, watch a movie or show you normally won’t watch. Read a book, paint something, start a project, learn something new. Don’t let the weather stop you from having fun and stopping your actions.
  5. Are you taking Vitamin D? So we all know that in winter months most people like to stay home, therefore away from the sun, which can cause a drop in vitamin D levels and can contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder. So try to increase sunshine vitamin in your diet, you can eat oily fish, mushrooms and eggs, or take a daily supplement of vitamin D.

Now the main takeaway I want you to hold from this is that the key thing is taking a step toward this direction is simply doing it. You don’t have to do these 5 things together, just try with one or two and start incorporating more as needed. You know yourself better than anyone, so you know what you need best. The idea is to make this a habit, something that is simple and easy to do every day that is enjoyable, effective and makes you feel good.

Feeling moody around this time is very common, and it’s okay to feel like that but it is painful and can be severe if it’s not dealt with in time so start taking care of yourself and if you think that what you are feeling is more than minor seasonal sadness then seek help and make an appointment with your doctor so they can assist you. I hope this season goes well for you and some of these tips help you feel better.

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