Let’s find out what imposter syndrome means and how to avoid or address it. Time to break out of fear.

Imposter syndrome is not a new phenomenon. Imposter syndrome has been around for ages, but in recent years, the term is being used more frequently and for the right reasons. Impostor syndrome is the feeling that you are a fraud and that you are not as competent as people think you are. This type of feeling is very common and is experienced by millions of people around the world, especially women.

Due to lack of confidence, less pay, systematic barriers, and many other reasons, many people are being affected by imposter syndrome. I have worked with very smart people, but I came to learn about their competencies way later because they never shared their accomplishments or believed they were worthy of taking time and space in a meeting or discussion.

The truth is that imposter syndrome can really hold back people’s competence and take away their opportunities, so it is very important to break away from this feeling to live more confidently. Here are some tips that can help you avoid feeling like an imposter.

  1. Understand that many people feel imposter syndrome, so it’s kind of normal, but if it’s really pulling you from doing the things you want to achieve, then you should do something about it. Lost opportunities don’t come back easily, so really think about what you’ll be losing if you keep questioning your worth.
  2. Think about all that you have achieved already that you once considered impossible to do. Go back in time and think about the challenges you overcame and find some strength from it to believe in yourself.
  3. We forget about all the amazing things we did for ourselves and others, so write it down. Yes, write it all down and stick it on a wall. Whenever you feel an overwhelming sense of imposter syndrome, look at your amazing list of accomplishments to give yourself a positive boost.
  4. Pep talk and practice – talk and treat yourself how you would treat someone you love. Practice self-care and validate your feelings. Only through recognizing your emotions you can then lift your feelings.
  5. Move out of your comfort zone. Fear is one of the top reasons people don’t achieve their goals. The fear of failure is scary, but it is necessary for growth, learning experiences, and maintaining a positive mindset. Once you remove this fear of failure, there is a lot you can achieve. Winners win after failing. It’s all part of the journey towards becoming your best self.

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is not in the branch but in her own wings.

― Charlie Wardle, Understanding & Building Confidence

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