Acknowledge your discomfort and recognize this is the space of growth to get unstuck.

Let’s explore 8 ways to slow down and get yourself “unstuck” in this busy life.

Life is moving quite fast these days and we all want to move with it, but to understand our purpose, we need to slow down and understand what matters the most. If you are on social media, then sometimes we see posts from our family, friends, or influencers that make us feel a kind of bad or doubtful. Sometimes we might think our lives are not as “happening” as theirs, or that we are not experiencing life how it’s supposed to be experienced.

Here is some news for you, most people in the world don’t live that kind of life. Some people are just happy, even if they don’t have a lot going on in their lives.

I took a trip to one of the developing countries in the world in South Asia and I saw people who had little but were happy with what they had. One time I was on a tuk-tuk or rickshaw. Some might call it, it was late at night and he looked completely worn out. I asked him how he was doing, thinking he might tell me he is tired or something, but he said “Alhamdulillah, I am healthy and I am working”. He thanked God that he was healthy and could provide for his family. That moment did something. It reminded me to be grateful and thankful for what I have. That experience made me feel “unstuck”.

To get “unstuck” we must first figure out where are feeling stuck and in what areas in our lives we feel the most fear and insecurity. It is strange to sit down with yourself and reflect, but to discover that part of you and understand why you feel the way you feel things is very important. Here are my 10 tips to get started on that journey. FYI- it’s not an easy one but it will be worth it.

  1. 1. Stop expecting things from other people. Just stop. It’s not other people’s responsibility to give you happiness. I know. Happiness must come from within. You really shouldn’t be expecting people to show up people like you want them to. It’s an ugly truth, but it’s a key point to remember.

2. Do something every day that makes you happy. Every day, try to do one thing just for yourself. Even if you have a busy day or too many things on your plate, take some time out for yourself. Whether it’s a small nap, reading a few pages of a book you always read, painting, yoga, exercising, calling someone you miss, watching a show, dancing, cooking, going to a park, shopping…whatever it may it. Whatever makes you happy, do more of that. Don’t let social boundaries make you feel stuck. To fully experience life, we have to “unstuck” ourselves from the limits we set for ourselves.

3. Write your thought. Don’t think about it, just write. We think a lot. There are many things that are going on in our heads, so how do we organize that? Well, take a notebook and a pen and free write, write without thinking, don’t worry about spelling or grammar. Sometimes it can just be words, but let it out. Empty those thoughts and see what’s in front of you on that paper. It is a great exercise for overthinkers.

4. Block it if it’s no longer serving you. If there is anything online or in your life that makes you feel bad, or makes you feel less or not good enough, then ask yourself if you need that kind of energy of feeling in your life. Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad. You don’t have to beat yourself over these things. Block it if not adding something positive to your life.

5. Be honest about your feelings. If you are feeling angry or jealous or overwhelmed, whatever emotion is causing you to panic, don’t ignore it. Recognize it and dissect it. Why are you feeling this way? What specific thing is triggering you? If you don’t look for the problem, you can’t solve it. By being honest with yourself about your feelings, you respect yourself. You validate those weird emotions that make you feel uncertain and confused.

Especially jealousy. Jealousy is a very toxic emotion that does more harm than good. If you use it as inspiration, then it can be a good thing, but if it makes you feel dreadful or unworthy, then it will affect the way you see yourself. Recognize your emotions and understand that all the feelings we feel make us who we are, and that’s okay. You are still worthy and you are still deserving of good in all aspects of your life.

6. Spend more time alone. If you are someone who is a crowd pleaser and loves being around people, then being alone can be scary and in life at some point, we felt alone. We are creatures of habits. If we are always surrounded by people and suddenly are left alone, it can have a negative effect on our overall happiness and quality of life. To fix that, we must learn to live alone without depending on anyone. Get in a habit of spending some time alone. Consider this as a timeout to unwind and enjoy your own company. Unstuck by becoming your own friend first.

7. Try something new. Whether it’s a new skill or something, you always wanted to try. Learning a new skill set or doing something new is a great way to gain more self-confidence. Remember to grow and reach your full potential, we must face our fears and something that involves doing the thing that scares us.

8. Meditate. If you struggle with anxiety or stress, then doing meditation can be a great way to slow down and relax. There are many videos and apps that you can use for guided meditation. Calm and Headspace are one of the most popular ones, but there are tons of free resources available too.

Gentle reminder: Simply by existing in this world, you spread so much love and beauty that it makes everyone around you a little bit happier. You have shown courage and resiliency in the face of adversity. Your smile has disarmed your issues. You’ve kept your concerns hidden in your heart. You are a powerful person!

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Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Here I will share everything and anything that I feel like discussing, especially about fashion, lifestyle related stuff, personal advice and stories, my favorite tv shows, music, and etcetera. I will try to be your virtual best friend who you can turn to.
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