Hi everyone,

Hope that you’re all doing well. If you’re not feeling good these days, then please don’t worry. It will get better. It always gets better.

Today I feel like sharing with you a very simple thought which I have been thinking about recently, the idea of what will people say? This phrase holds so much power in our lives, doesn’t it? We are constantly driven by that phrase, consciously or subconsciously. We do things because in our minds people’s perceptions of our actions hold far much more value than we see within ourselves. We hesitate to take risks or do something out of the ordinary or trust our guts to take the path less taken because we are always wired to think about others’ think before we even consider ourselves and what we think and believe us.

We know this already. We already know in our hearts that no matter how good we live or how successful we become…in someone’s eyes we are still losers or just not enough. So I am here to tell you, it’s okay to think about what will people say. I know…hold on and let me finish. The reason my suggestion is sounding so unsettling to you is because the entire world is telling you to not care what people think, but we are people. In someone’s eyes, we are that person who they are thinking about when they are feeling judgement from others and they are wondering damn if I do this, what will people say.

So if we accept that. If we completely recognize the idea that no matter what we do…we are going to be judged, isn’t that kind of comforting to know that every single living person is having similar thoughts as us. Like our fears and doubts are connecting us with each other sublimely? If I am thinking about what you will think and you are also thinking about what I will think, aren’t we all even?

Caring too much is never a bad thing even if the society tells you it’s a weakness let me tell you loud and clear it is not. Caring is a form of compassion, it is a good thing to care. You just have to know when to stop caring too much when it becomes harmful. If your fear of judgment from other people is stopping you from doing something you feel passionate about or something you believe in, that’s when you have to turn the care button off for a while and just do things. Easier said than done, I know, but you have to do it. You have to do it. There is no other way. There is no one else that can do things the way you can. It is going to be so scary at first. The first time trying anything new is dreadful. It’s painful and so hard, but you have to do it.

You owe it to yourself. Find a balance. Know if something is worth the risk or if you can afford it. But do it. Failure is not a tag. It is a practice. After failure you don’t pack your bag and go home, you get up and try again. And after failing a few times, you will get there. Maybe you won’t even fail, who knows. Who knows? So if you are looking for a sign. This is it. Give yourself a chance that you deserve to do things that will make you happy. Happiness is the only thing you should chase in life because you know why? When you win and you get that amazing feeling of happiness and contentment, there will still be people out there who will say something about you, but this time the phrase what will people say will hold less weight in your head.

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Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Here I will share everything and anything that I feel like discussing, especially about fashion, lifestyle related stuff, personal advice and stories, my favorite tv shows, music, and etcetera. I will try to be your virtual best friend who you can turn to.
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